
Dante Alighieri

Book 2 of The Divine Comedy

Language: English



Perhaps the greatest single poem ever written, The Divine Comedy presents Dante Alighieri 's all-encompassing vision of the three realms of Christian afterlife. Joyfully anticipating heaven, Purgatorio continues the poet's journey from the darkness of Hell to the divine light of Paradise.

Beginning with Dante's liberation from the Inferno, part two of The Divine Comedy follows the poet as he and the Roman poet Virgil struggle up the steep terraces of the earthly island-mountain called Purgatory, miraculously created as a result of Lucifer's storied fall. As he travels through the first seven levels--each representing one of the seven deadly sins--Dante observes the sinners who are waiting for their release into Paradise. Each echelon teaches a new lesson about human healing and growth, on earth as well as in the spiritual world. As he journeys upward, level by level, Dante gradually changes into a wiser, braver, and better man. Only when he has learned from each of these stations will he finally be allowed to ascend to the gateway to Heaven: the Garden of Eden.

Perhaps Dante's most brilliant, imaginative creation, Purgatorio is an enthralling allegory of sin, redemption, and ultimate enlightenment.