God Hammer

John Conroe

Book 9 of Demon Accords

Language: English

Published: Jan 1, 2015


Book nine: summer in the Big Apple. Eight million stories of excitement and adventure...plus one.

Declan O'Carroll is ready to start his summer internship at the hottest new company on the planet, Demidova Incorporated. What will he be doing? What tasks could he possibly handle for the most famous couple on Earth? After all, what could a second-semester college freshman hope to add to a multinational conglomerate?

As the strongest male witch in existence, it might just be much, much more than anyone could ever predict.

About the Author

John Conroe was raised in Saint Lawrence County, New York, a few heartbeats away from the Canadian border at the very top of the state. It is a wild and rural place where most rivers run south to north and the inhabitants all sound vaguely like their national flag should feature a massive red maple leaf instead of stars and stripes.

James Patrick Cronin is an accomplished audiobook narrator with over 100 titles to his credit. A classically trained stage actor with an MFA from the University of Louisville, he has performed as an actor and a comedian on stages all over the world.