Kal Jerico: The Omnibus

Gordon Rennie & Karl Kopinski

Language: English

Publisher: Black Library

Published: Sep 15, 2000


The Underhive of Necromunda Hive Primus is a urban nightmare, controlled by the savage gangs which battle over its hidden wealth. The suavest bounty hunter in the Underhive is Kal Jerico, a debonair desperado as fast with his guns as he is with his mouth.

With only a pair of fully charged laspistols, an immaculate sense of style, and his sometime sidekick -- the pustulent renegade ratskin Scabbs -- to see him through, Kal's been outlawed, hunted down, shot at, blown up, nailed to a wall and almost burned alive, but then again he wouldn't have his life any other way!