
Robert Asprin

Language: English

Publisher: Ace

Published: Jan 1, 1979


For years the mysterious figure known only as Tambu has held the settled planets in his iron grip. The fleet of pirates and criminals under his command have established and maintained a reign of terror and extortion, successfully defying all efforts of the newly-formed Defense alliance to halt or curb their activities. Now, for the first time, a reporter has been granted an interview with Tambu: the story will finally be told of Tambu's origin, his rise to power, and – most important – his philosophies and logic for running his force. If Tambu can be believed. And if the reporter is allowed to leave with his story.

About the Author

Robert (Lynn) Asprin was born in 1946. While he has written some stand alone novels such as Cold Cash War , Tambu , The Bug Wars and also the Duncan and Mallory Illustrated stories, Bob is best known for his series: The Myth Adventures of Aahz and Skeeve ; the Phule novels; and, more recently, the Time Scout novels written with Linda Evans. He also edited the groundbreaking Thieves World anthologies with Lynn Abbey. His most recent collaboration is License Invoked written with Jody Lynn Nye. It is set in the French Quarter, New Orleans where he currently lives.

--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.