The Art of Racing in the Rain

Garth Stein

Language: English

Publisher: HarperCollins

Published: Jan 1, 2008


Enzo is a very special dog who takes stock of his life on the eve of his death. As he recalls all that he and his family have been through: the sacrifices his master, Denny Swift—an up-and-coming race car driver—has made to succeed professionally; the unexpected loss of Eve, Denny's wife; the three-year battle over their daughter, Zoë, whose maternal grandparents pulled every string to gain custody. In the end, Enzo comes through heroically to preserve the Swift family, holding in his heart the dream that Denny will become a racing champion with Zoë at his side. Having gained tremendous insight into the human condition, Enzo discovers that the techniques needed on the racetrack can also be used to successfully navigate the journey of life.