Bagombo Snuff Box

Kurt Vonnegut

Language: English

Publisher: Vintage

Published: Jan 1, 1976


For this unusual collection, Kurt Vonnegut has selected 24 of his favourite stories never published before in book form. Included are "Any Reasonable Offer", "The Powder Blue Dragon", "Hal Irwin's Magic Lamp" and "Lovers Anonymous"..

Before the Golden Age of magazines drew to a close half a century ago, a young PR man at General Electric sold his first short story to one of the doomed publications. By the time he'd sold his third, he decided to quit GE and join the likes of Hemingway and Fitzgerald and Faulkner, and try to make a living at $1500. With four major magazines running five stories each week and smaller ones scouting as well, it was a seller's market, and Vonnegut was published regularly by The Saturday Evening Post, Collier's, Argosy and others. For this unusual collection, Vonnegut has selected twenty-four of his favourite stories never published before in book form and has written a new preface for the occasion. Vonnegut scholar Peter Reed, who unearthed the old publications, contributes an introduction. The stories bring us to the beginning of a literary voice that is sure to last forever. BAGOMBO SNUFF BOX, the missing pieces of the master's oeuvre, is a ready made classic for Vonnegut fans new and old.