The King of the Swords

Michael Moorcock

Book 3 of Corum

Language: English

Publisher: Titan

Published: Jan 1, 1971


In those days there were oceans of light and cities in the skies and wild flying beasts of bronze. It was a time of magics, phantasms, unstable nature, impossible events, insane paradoxes, dreams come true, dreams gone awry. It was a rich, dark time. And a time of profound and terrible change. The Vadhagh, a blessed and magical race, possess great wisdom, pursuing beauty in everything they do. Then, suddenly, their world moves from innocence and light to barbarism and genocide. Finally, only one is left: Corum, the Prince in the Scarlet Robe, last of the Vadhagh. Driven half mad by his torments, swearing savage vengeance upon the Mabden intruders, Corum finds himself in love with a Mabden woman and caught in a cataclysmic war between Law and Chaos - pursuing a quest taking him through the myriad dimensions of the multiverse, version after version of our own Earth - unleashing vast cosmic forces and challenging the power of the gods themselves. Aided by sorcery, but fighting to be free of it, Corum is sustained by the purity of his passion for the woman he loves. Yet even this is threatened by the fury of the Chaos Lords who fear that here at last is a hero who will liberate his world from their vicious patronage.

Prince Corum Jhaelin Irsei: the Eternal Champion.

With his plane at war with itself, thanks to the machinations and magic of Chaos, Prince Corum, his beloved Rhalina and the eternal companion Jhary-a-Conel must travel to the last five planes to confront Mabelode, the King of the Swords.

Joining forces with other aspects of the Eternal Champion - Elric and Ereköse - Corum must rescue Rhalina from the Chaos Lord's minions before attempting to defeat the King of the Swords and free his plane from its madness. But the stakes are also personal for Corum, for the captain who commands the forces of chaos is the same savage Mabden who slaughtered Corum's family...