Elfangor's Secret

K. A. Applegate

Book 3 of Megamorphs

Language: English

Publisher: Scholastic

Published: May 15, 1999


Eighteen-year-old Henry, a human-Controller, is a dangerous Earth enemy now that he's discovered Elfangor's Time Matrix. Even worse, until recently Henry was better known as Visser Four! He sees the Time Matrix as his big chance to win back his lost title. The Animorphs have been given the power to pursue Henry through time, but the gift comes with a big price--the life of one of the Animorphs!

We found out who Visser Four is. And he has found the Time Matrix, the machine Elfangor had hidden in the abandoned construction site. The same place we met him on a night none of us will ever forget. Especially me. Now Visser Four has the Matrix, and he plans to use it to become Visser One.

But Jake, Rachel, Cassie, Marco, Ax and I can't let that happen. We can't let him alter time so that the Yeerks will win the invasion. So we're prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice. Eventually, one of us will lose this fight...