The Suspicion

K. A. Applegate

Book 24 of Animorphs

Language: English

Publisher: Scholastic

Published: May 15, 1998


The Yeerks are not the only invaders of Earth. Meet the new enemy: the Helmacrons. Cassie finds their miniature spaceship and donates it to a toy drive. Big mistake. The Helmacrons are tiny, but they're far from helpless. They have the technology to shrink other creatures to their size. And until they get their spaceship back, they're taking hostages. The Animorphs must find a way to send these pests back into space -- before it's too late.

Cassie and the other Animorphs have a few little problems. A few very little problems. Actually, the problems call themselves Helmacrons. They're less than an inch tall, and they're pretty upset at Cassie. They believe she stole their ship. Cassie thought it was just a toy and gave it to charity. Now the Helmacrons want it back.

So the Animorphs have a new dilemma. Because the Helmacrons have their own secret weapon: They can shrink other beings down to their size. And if they don't get their ship back soon, everyone on the planet is in for a little surprise...