The Illusion

K. A. Applegate

Book 33 of Animorphs

Language: English

Publisher: Scholastic

Published: May 15, 1999


Discovering that the Yeerks possess a weapon that can transform an Animorph back to a normal person with the flick of a switch, the Animorphs are forced to find a way to destroy their secret tool quickly or risk having their secret identitites exposed to all. Original.

Tobias and the other Animorphs already have a few problems: saving the world, keeping their identities secret, finishing their homework. Now they have one more thing to add to the list. The Yeerks have discovered a way to cause a person to demorph. And with this new device Visser Three plans on capturing "the Andalite bandits.

"Now what? The Animorphs realize they have to get rid of the device -- or be captured by the Yeerks. And the risk of getting caught is very high. That's when Tobias comes up with the only possible plan. Someone has to acquire Ax...